
Showing posts from June, 2016

How to hack skype video ?

After i got an error with Skype video conference many time ago .When i got video conference the video of Skype not clear and it very bad picture .Now I found a solution for this by modify some script file of Skype. Modifying the Config File Manually You can also modify the configuration files manually to change the framerate and resolutions. To do this, follow these instructions: For Windows, Make sure Skype is not running. Open the config.xml file located in the Skype user profile directory, usually in %APPDATA%\Skype\yourskypename\. If you are not sure where this is, copy and paste %APPDATA%\Skype into Windows Explorer to find this directory and then find the folder labeled with your Skype username. Add the following code somewhere in the config file: <CaptureHeight>480</CaptureHeight> <CaptureWidth>640</CaptureWidth> <Fps>30</Fps> You can modify the parameters as you see fit, though I recommend trying these first. S...

How to Set up Mac Osx Yosemite 10.10.1 in PC?

Until now Hackintosh Zone had done for this in any PC intel . Now i had test on my own PC Acer Aspire 4745 with requirement below : ATI radeon 1GB  Ram 4 GB CPU intel Cor i5 2.4 Gzh  We don't need Mac PC for install this. We need only a software Tranmac And download Yosemite Zone 10.10.1 Ask link below: Yosemite Zone 10.10.1 Some guidline: 1.For Tranmac Software we need USB 8GB or over. 2.After we format this usb To Mac 3.We restore from image and choose Yosemite Zone 10.10.1.dmg 4.Wait until it restore finished. 5.Boot Your USB from by setting bios in your PC by press F12 or Delete. 6.Boot  Your Yosemite Zone from USB by -v(verbose to see something error while install). After we need Disk Utility for format drive to Mac .(Backup data recommend).Choose Drive that format to setup Yosemite. 7 .If it not get error you will setup default by waiting 16 minute. 8.After Finished remove your USB and boot U will got error with some issue like Bluetooth or something else i you can ...

How to set up Limon in office 2007 and 2010 in window 7?

After i got a problem in Limon khmer typing .I have check and search some forum for this issue. Now we found the solution for that. 1.Please download Normal Dot  2.Go to path like below       C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsofte\Template 3.After copy Normal Dot above to past in there. 4.Set Language to US International  for Keyboard. I hope u enjoy it.